~An event planning and fundraising nonprofit for families with serious medical conditions~
Team Details
Team Captains can register their team by email at kennyscoalition@gmail.com
You and your team members can purchase tickets here.
Tickets are $25 per person (including audience members) and include chicken dinner.
There is no additional fee to register your team or to be a team member. Instead, we ask that teams donate a raffle basket or gift card for our raffle table. Please keep in mind that we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Ask the places that you frequent if they would be interested in donating to the event! The more that is donated on your behalf, the better your chances are of winning the $250 prize!
Round 1:
Each team will play against their “Rival” in the first round. First to reach 150 points wins not only “Bragging Rights” but 150 “Bonus Points” (see “Bonus Points” below) and sends two players to play “Fast Money”.
If the two Fast Money players together reach 200 points, they will be awarded an additional 200 Bonus Points.
How to win the $250 donated to your organization or an organization of your choice:
The two teams with the Highest Overall Score (see “Scoring” below) will advance to the Final Game. The first team in the Final Game to reach 300 points wins $200 for their organization and advances two players to the “Fast Money” round. If the two Fast Money players have a combined score of 200 or more, they win an additional $50 for their organization, for a total of $250.
The highest overall scores are determined by adding Bonus Points.
Bonus Points
+50 = For each raffle item, raffle basket, silent auction item or gift card donated on team's behalf
+100 = Sponsor a table! 100 Bonus points awarded for each table sponsored on behalf of your team!
+150= Won the Rival game
+200= Reached 200 points during Fast Money
+250 = Top Money Raising Team- Help us raise money with tax deductible Sponsorships and donations and increase your chances of advancing to the final round!